jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

The Entire World

Hi, everyone!
I have to admit that my favorite country it’s Chile… I mean, I don’t know another to compare. Well actually, I went to Bariloche, but it doesn’t count  :S

However, in the hypothetic case that I can go to anywhere, I definitely chose go around the world! But that cost me a lot of money that I don’t have :C So, I would go to India or Italy… I’m not really sure, because I think that each place have its own beauty… I really love see the entire world but this tow are my priority.

At first, I go to Italy, See the Coliseum, Piza’s tower… I mean, all the culture stuff that you can see it’s amazing! And obviously the food *-* ok, I know that I feel awful after eating all the pastas and lasagnas, but it worth it… Just in this case xD

After that, I would like to go to India and learn about the culture, their religion and take me a picture in the Taj Mahal! I want to know how they live and, of course, live there a few months … maybe I can go to Bangladesh, just for a week xd, and see the beautiful landscape (:

No matters where I go, but I would like to enjoy it! Not work or stress… just enjoy the place, the moment, the company… because all this trips I would do with my best friend forever and stuff xd, my little Valeska *-*
Anyway, maybe I will never go out of Chile, but at the end it’s doesn’t matters because I love Chile, and I will see all my beautiful and varied country before know the entire world. See Towers of Paine (I don’t how say it xd), go to Iquique and swim in the night or go to Island of Pascua (it’s so strange D: it's not like this... xd) and, how know! Maybe I will found there MY islander *-* <3
I hope you enjoy! 

jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012

It's not a bad photo at all...

For me, chose just one is so difficult. But the photo that I took with my friends are absolutely the best. This picture in special, it was token when I was still in High school, in my dear Liceo 1. I accept it, I was and I always be Javierina and I’m so proud of that xD Anyway! Every year, we have to do a dance for September. The girls who were doing the last year, can dance whatever they what. Well, my crazy friend Gaby (the one on the center) wanted to prepare the choreography and the music herself. After a few days, she came with the beautiful idea of dance TOBAS… "WTF is that!" I said to her. It's a dace from the Amazonas... She told us that we would go down weight. Obviously we accepted. I really don’t know if was or not a bad idea, but this was the result.
This picture was token when we were presenting the dance to our teacher. I really don’t know who token or when exactly, but it was the perfect moment...On the picture are all my friend, I believe that the one who see just the back is Pancha. I’m the one of the right.
I like this picture because represent a lot of different things: it was my last year, my last presentation, that girls until are my friend even we go to different universities... that day was really moving to me...
Please don’t laugh of the costume... I spend all night to stick all the feathers xDD

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

Maybe I'm not a TV fan..

Hi again! :D

OMG! My favorite TV show??  I think it could be "The Big Bang Theory". I like it, but I don't love it :S I really don't know. I try to think one in special and i don't have one! When I see a TV Show, I don't became a fan :S I like a lot of Series and stuff like this, but I don't love it... However, when I was a little girl I love one thing above all the others TV Show.
I must accept that I LOVED Sailor Moon... really!  The protagonist is Serena, who transforms into a magical warrior, Sailor Moon, and his mission is save the Earth and the entire galaxy. She and his friends (also sailors scout) fight against monsters and a lots of enemies. Also, there's a man, Darien, who transforms into a masked protector's Serena (Tuxedo Mask). Darien and Serena fall in love, but just when they're transform. In the real life, she hates him. But they don’t know that they share a ancient history of pain and love, especially love.
I really loved it. I had a doll and I took it with me all the time. It's understandable! Now, if you think about it, in that time, like 12 years ago (I'm so old >< u.u), I believed that in any minute my enchanted prince came to take me and both go away... I was so naive! It's make me laugh now xD 
Thinking a few more, I love the soap opera, in general... If have drama, romance and a woman who is more evil than the devil, I love it! I really don't have an idea for what I love it. Maybe I'm a gossip... Just a few!

I hope you enjoy :) Kisses !
Ps: I forgot put the history of Sailor Moon, so I fixed xD