I don’t
know too many thing of my career (that is too sad xD), but even if you don’t
study psychology you MUST know who is Sigmund Freud. I don’t admire him, is
just like a symbol of this discipline… for good or for bad :)

In my
opinion, he was obsessed with the sexual part, all happened because the sexual
drive. He considered the children like “polymorphic wicked” and see the kids
like that are a little too hard.
What I considered
the most important of his theory is the conception of the dream, that you see the
entire thing that you repress on you psychic system… I think that is fascinate
I don’t
have anything more to say… so good bye! Thinks for reading and we see on
English 4 ( I hope *-*)
Bye dear classmates!
the dirty uncle Freud :)